Erik Paterson
Erik is a Kinesiologist and Strength Coach practicing under CSEP. He specializes in strength and conditioning, bodybuilding, powerlifting, and training/nutrition pertaining to fat loss, muscle gain and performance. Additionally, Erik utilizes the training software - TrueCoach - to offer an upper-tier of online training, programming, and nutrition coaching. His online coaching is called FURY Strength Systems. Erik is currently working on finishing his Precision Nutrition Certification and CSEP High Performance Specialization. Later this year he will be studying and acquiring practical hours to become a Certified Exercise Physiologist under CSEP.
Erik James Paterson, B.Sc. Kinesiology, CSEP-CPT
Training - in my case lifting weights and trying to get bigger and stronger - was something I started when I was 16 because I lacked confidence. I was insecure and frustrated and I thought working out hard would solve these issues for me. Training didn't instantly solve those issues; however, it did provide me a discipline that would both reward and humble me for a lifetime. Training provided a productive diversion from my anxieties and my frustrations but it also helped me build a sense of purpose and resolve in my life. Training has enhanced my life in so many ways and my complete immersion in it has allowed me to make a career out of it.
Training used to be a means to an end for me. Today it is my career, my hobby, my therapy, and the constant watchdog sitting in the corner reminding me to choose discipline over mediocrity in my life.
Book a session with me today and get started. One day soon I can ask you the question, "Why do YOU train?"
- Coach Erik
Click HERE to see Erik's Training Packages